The 10 Worst Movies To See on an Internet Date

Love story my ass.

This weekend I wanted to see Blue Valentine, but I was well aware of its reputation. “Great movie,” a friend texted me, “but it ruins relationships.” Not a problem for me (see: this entire website), but when I started calling around for movie companions, I made a gruesome discovery. Three couples I am personally aware of saw Blue Valentine and in the subsequent days, broke up. All of them blame the movie, and one guy left New York entirely and may never return! I found one friendly couple brave enough to go with me, but within twenty minutes of making the plan, they called back and said “no thanks.” They dared not wrangle with the Blue Valentine curse.

What else joins the list of the worst movies to ever see on a date? Here’s my votes…

10. Precious

I actually made this mistake myself. It was the third date with a girl I really liked. And believe me, nothing says “I really think you’re cool, I’m gonna go ahead and put my hand on your knee in public” like incestuous rape of the morbidly obese. Oh, and also AIDS. Oddest thing about this date, we only chose Precious because the Twilight sequel was sold out. 100% true.

9. Titanic

Don’t see a movie about two people who are far more in love than you and your date will ever be. It’s just awkward. Especially if that movie is four hours long and sucks.

8. Lilya 4-Ever

Ooooh, this looks cultural.

“I know what I’m going to do, I’m going to impress her by taking her to see a deep, brooding, foreign film. Chicks love foreign films. But none of those light and airy French ones, something with grit. Here we go, Lilya 4-Ever, made in Sweden, won countless awards, stars this charming, young, blond lass. Two tickets, please! I am a proud and confident man who is comfortable seeing an intellectual movie about girl growing up in — what’s that? It’s about sexual slavery and human trafficking? A 16 year-old Russian girl becomes a sex slave after her mother sneaks out on her and runs to the United States? At least half the characters kill themselves…?  Can I change that to two seats for Gnomeo and Juliet? Thanks…”

7. Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son

By definition this has to be the worst movie to see on an Internet date, because it’s the worst movie to see under any circumstances. It was getting old to have one black man dress up like a preposterously fat old lady and make fart jokes while secretly beating up the bad guys, so they decided to freshen it up by giving him a son who also has to dress up like a black lady and make fart jokes while beating up bad guys. And then they sent them to college. Where people can utter the line “more like Mary J. Bulge.”

Unless your Internet date is with Martin Lawrence, I’d skip Big Mommas. If it is, I’d still go with something from Eddie Murphy. Martin understands his limitations.

6. Anything 3D

The glasses make you look like a dick. Simple as that.

5. When Harry Met Sally

Anyone else turned on?

Classic romantic comedy, right? Guaranteed home run with the ladies and secure-in-their-masculinity gents, correct? Well, yes and no. It’s a great movie that holds up well, and it genuinely warms the heart for love – even in my coldest of hearts. But sooner or later, if you see this movie with a date, conversation will turn to the fake orgasm scene. And really, the last thing you want to do with someone you might conceivably one day have sex with is to talk about fake orgasms. Because they definitely will fake it, and you’ll definitely want to be able to trick yourself that they didn’t. So the less you know about it the better.

Also, a recent study revealed that within 24 hours of seeing Billy Crystal’s image it’s medically impossible to get physically aroused. So keep that in mind.

4. Blue Valentine

Three dead relationships, people!

3. Mark Ruffalo in Any Movie Ever

Jesus isn't this charismatic.

Gentlemen, Mark Ruffalo is better than you. He is better looking, more charming, more irresistibly carefree, and more undeniably masculine than you. He can nurse a puppy back to health with his tears and protect a baby deer from the elements in the warmth of his stubble. You are no match for him in the eyes of any woman you might be out with, so don’t test them. Bringing a date to see a Mark Ruffalo movie is like cooking her a meal while your good friend Bobby Flay makes dessert. You don’t have a chance! Honestly, you’re better off with Schindler’s List.

Other actors to be wary of: Billy Crudup, Eric Bana, Ed Norton, and good God almighty Ryan Gosling.

For the ladies, avoid: Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba…really anyone named Jessica. Except Jessica Tandy. She’s safe.

2. 9 1/2 Weeks

You think 9 1/2 Weeks is an ideal movie to see with a date because it’s got lots of steamy sex in it and your date will no doubt watch it and think “I like to have sex! Perhaps later you and I will have the sex.” But they won’t think that. What they’ll think is, “I want to have sex with someone who’s really good at it. Someone who’s creative and explores boundaries!” That person is not you. I mean, look at yourself. You’re reading about Internet dating on the Internet! That’s two “Internets” in one sentence, my friend. Not good.

Also, elaborate and creative sex is for the professionals. Two normal people try to do the things in 9 1/2 Weeks and one of them throws their back out while the other gets food all over the place and ends up with bed bugs. Know your level.

1. Antichrist

Don't let the poster fool you, the movie is nowhere near this cheery.

Lars Von Trier is the hands-down winner of the imaginary contest to create the worst possible date movie. From those I’ve surveyed, Dogville and Breaking the Waves were both getting votes. And don’t get me wrong, those are atrocious, but it’s hard to beat Antichrist. Should you have any doubt, know this: there is only one movie after which the following conversation can take place:

Guy: So, how about that scene where her private parts got mutilated?

Girl: Yeah. How about that scene where his private parts got mutilated?

Guy: I was a little confused, did he have sex with the crow?

Girl: No, the crow just wanted to murder him.

And then you give him a polite kiss on the cheek and ask when you’re going to see him next. Sounds nice, right? No. Not nice. Deeply, deeply awful.

Posted in Internet Dating is Weird | 15 Comments

Your Awful Story Olympics, Vol. 2

It’s been a month since our last edition of the Awful Story Olympics, so how about we pop open the computer mailbag and see what falls out?

Awards for the craziest emails I’ve received in the last thirty days…

The Bronze:

I have an embarrassing story for you. Well I guess it’s embarrassing. I went out with this guy who was a few years older than me, probably like 40. I’m 28. Anyway, we hung out for a drink and it was pretty fun, then he asked if we wanted to go back to my place and smoke some “grass.” He seemed harmless enough, and I’m always open to free pot, so I said sure. Well, we got back to my place and sat down and he said, “ok, let’s smoke!” and waited for me to take it out! He didn’t have any pot?!! I told him I didn’t either and usually when you invite someone to smoke you have some with you. He just laughed and said “sorry!” – Shayna (Brooklyn, NY)

Aaaaand that’s when you got murdered. You invited a guy 12 years older than you back to your apartment on a first date?! And the worst thing that happened was he didn’t have any weed? That’s not an embarrassing story, that’s a miraculous success. You’re insane. Don’t do that again, Shayna. Ever. Any part of it. I don’t have enough readers to be losing any to homicide.

The Silver:

An email I received from reader Gary H., in Toronto, Canada. (That’s right, we’ve gone international, bitches! Sort of!)

Michael Scott giveth, and Michael Scott taketh away.

I had a girl [I met online] come over and cuddle with me for a night, and it turned into some hanky panky. She slept over. I guess I should have noticed a red flag, but she let me see her naked so I let it slip. She brought over “The Office” which shows she had a great sense of humor so I figured there wasn’t anything to worry about. So she ended up leaving a blanket at my place, The Office and some other things and I figured she was looking to date. Which is great, because I am too. I’m not looking to get married, or anything super serious unless it turns into that, regardless all signs pointed to an exclusive relationship with benefits and I was thrilled to say the least. I texted her on the third day of our sleep overs, dinners and intimate adventures, and I asked if we were exclusive. And she said “No. I have to get to know you better.” Well you already know my penis, so I assume you and I know each other pretty well. I may not know your deepest darkest secrets, but I had already met her parents (we spent a ton of time together within the three days).

I was so confused. I don’t get it.

I love this email. There’s clearly such a tangled web here, I can’t wait to get an equally perplexed message from a girl asking to know why this guy she met in Toronto totally went overboard when she happened to leave an Office DVD at his place. She’ll say “I mean, I only knew his penis, what’s the big deal?”, and I’ll have no idea who to side with. Parents were met in three days?! What exactly is an “exclusive relationship with benefits?” Don’t most exclusive relationships come with benefits? Unless, wait, are we talking about actual health benefits? I’m so confused. Silver medal!

The Gold:


I wanted to share this lil’ beauty with you. It’s just so terrible on so many levels! It was especially painful to read as a grammar freak…

Ever been to an ‘Owl Party’?

Don't look at me. I've got no fucking idea what an owl party is either.

Do you like sweets? I do, and I think it runs in the family. I had been faithful to my diet and working out for a steady length of time. But alas i have relapsed. 7/8 of a medium pizza and cake and ice cream and I still baked cc cookies at 1 in the mourning. What a splurge. However I did take control myself and only had one. Something about these cookies was off (maybe they were to dry). They lacked that O’ so rewarding gooey center. These were more like a dollar store knock off brand gone bad. Well, of to and extra long gym session. How many calories in a pizza pie?

P.S. Would u like some totally awesome chocolate chip cookies? their fresh. -K.N., (Nashville, TN)

You know what, K? That would be painful to anyone, grammar freak or otherwise. I think he actually got more things wrong than right.

Oh, and here’s a tip fellahs, if you’re considering listing everything you ate in a hysterical night of crazed binge eating to someone you’ve just met online and are hoping to see naked…don’t. Just don’t. It, well, it makes you seem crazy. Even if you’re in amazing shape, eating pizza and ice cream and cake and cookies all in a row seems like the sort of thing John Hinckley would’ve done before trying to shoot Ronald Reagan. You might as well tell them you’re really into Catcher in the Rye. And just for the record, 7/8 of a pizza doesn’t count as “sweets.”

And come on, what the hell is an owl party?

Get in on the fun. Send me your dating disaster or horrendous email here.

Posted in Your Awful Stories | 3 Comments

The Girl Who Wouldn’t Talk

Hey baby, you come here often?

Normally, I don’t date young women. I’m 32 (as far as you know), and anyone under 28 usually feels a little…undercooked to me. But a friend of mine, who is, let’s say, a douchebag, recently made an impassioned case. “Younger women are more fun,” he douched, “they’re better looking, and they haven’t been messed up by bad experiences with other guys yet.” He liked to do the messing up himself, you see. This was a gentleman who only after great argument could I get to raise his desired age range from 18-22 to 18-25 on Match. And he’s 35. Did I mention he’s a douchebag? For some reason though, from this person who one should never take advice, I took advice. And of course, because it’s this site, I regretted it deeply.

The girl I chose for my youth experiment was 23. Actually, the one I first chose was 24, but she stood me up – the only time that’s happened in the 100+ Internet dates I’ve attended. A person who is wise would probably have taken that as a sign, but such a person would probably not detail each one of their dating failures on the Internet for others to read, so why even go down that road? 23, however, did show, and she was surprisingly delightful.

She was quiet, to be sure, but had some zip on her fastball once I coaxed her out of her shell. She was a journalism student and from my hometown (as far as you know) of Boston, so my interest was piqued. And, yes, alright, I’ll admit that she was quite attractive. But in that 23 year-old, gravity doesn’t exist, I never have to go to the gym so I really haven’t earned looking the way I do sort of way. So there’s only so much credit you can give for that. But it was a nice and very mature first date, and much to my surprise, I asked her for a second. Say it with me now…big mistake.

I believe she walked right through the middle of this...

I don’t know when people learn to carry umbrellas or buy umbrellas or well, own coats, but apparently it is 24 years and up. It was raining the night of my second date with 23, and she was soaked. But not in the normal way that people get soaked when they’re caught in the rain on the way from the subway or when waiting for a cab – she was SOAKED. Like she had drowned but forgotten to pass away. Dripping, sopping, preposterously wet, from head to toe. I asked her what happened and she looked at me like a crazy person. Obviously further explanation was needed. “You’re so wet,” I said. “Oh, yeah, I had to walk.” That’s all she said. “I had to walk.” Like it was a sentence for a crime she’d committed.  She had walked twenty blocks in the pouring rain and not stopped to get a $3 umbrella or a $6 taxi at any point. Now she was going to sit down with me for dinner in clothes that were more water than fabric and try to have a pleasant evening? It was ridiculous. Her clothes were sticking to her. There were puddles under her shoes. It was the sort of thing a 5 year-old would do. They’d laugh and dance and play in the rain, then when you explained to them that they’d now have to be wet for the rest of the evening, they’d look at you confused and forsaken. The polite sushi ladies were apoplectic, and as usual I was right there with them. (Polite sushi ladies and I agree on most things.) I was growing concerned with my plan to master the under-28s…

We talked for a bit, but 23 was, understandably, quite fidgety. The quietness I noted during our first date seem to expand when wet, and complete sentences were getting hard to come by. The night was officially entering the awkward zone, and for the fifty or sixtieth time in my life I was cursing My Friend The Douchebag. Then a strange thing happened. Or rather, a stranger thing. She just…stopped talking. I asked 23 what her plans were after she graduated (did I forget to mention that she was still finishing up college? I don’t know how I could’ve forgotten that…), and she didn’t respond. Not immediately, or anytime close thereafter. It had to have been at least a minute of silence. Not really sure what to do, I decided to just ask the question again and see what happened. Again, no response. There didn’t seem to be anything else to do but wait.

The only thing the night was missing...

The night took on sort of a bizarre subtext from that point. Basically, it was a game show. I would say something, then she would wait as long as humanly possible to respond. Unwilling to bend to the pressure, I would wait longer still to fill the empty air with a follow-up remark. It was as if whoever could stand the awkwardness the longest would receive a wonderful showcase of prizes and vacations to exotic lands. Really though all either of was going to win was a confused trip home. Alone. But it didn’t stop us from giving it our all. I would open my mouth, about to say something, then close it and turn away. She would lean in, look like she was going to explain exactly what had gone wrong, then grab an California roll and pop it in her mouth. It was breathtaking really, and a performance that far exceeded her age.  If I had any idea what was going on, I probably would’ve swooned with delight.

The evening ended anti-climatically with 23, as she gave me a damp half-hug goodbye and scuttled off into the night. I never figured out exactly what I did to upset or aggressively disinterest her, but I imagine it was my fault. I have that sort of way with women. I did learn one thing beyond all measure however: do not, under any circumstances, listen to the douchebags. Date who you want to date, and if you’re 32 then 23 is most definitely way too young.

Posted in Horror Stories | 8 Comments

Find a Valentine. You Know You Want to…

Many women say they hate Valentine’s Day. They say it’s lame, and created by a greeting card company, and they really don’t care whether they do something romantic or not. They’re lying. What women hate are bad Valentine’s Days, just like men do. Days when no one thinks of you or you get a perfunctory box of chocolates from a perfunctory person you somehow got sidetracked into dating for a month or two.

Do something fun for someone on Valentine’s Day, and they’ll love it – no matter how much they claim not to care. And yes, that includes Internet dates. I’ve had some of the best Internet dates in my life on V-Day. Point out that it’s silly to meet someone for the first time on a such charged day, talk about how stupid Valentine’s is to begin with, then have an amazing time. Because sure, we’re all ironic and detached when it comes to such things, but when you look around on Monday and see a whole lot of other people being loved, you want to be loved too. Or at least liked. OK, kinda liked. Or…how about not despised? Will you take not despised?

So take a chance and ask a girl or guy out for Valentine’s Day, on the Internet or otherwise. I promise you’ll both be happy you did. And if not, well, then at least you’ll have a great story to email me!

Posted in Advice | 2 Comments

Which Dating Website is Right For You?

So many dating websites, so little time…and threshold for rejection. Which site is right for you? Read on, young dater…

Later I'm going to stab her with a knife...

eHarmony: If you’re a serial killer who’s looking for the most efficient way to meet other serial killers, then eHarmony is the place for you. According to their website, they use 29 dimensions of personality to match you with someone based on deep compatibility, which is about as unintelligible as a sentence can get. But I think it means no more dates with a highway sniper when you’re far more of the lure someone back to your apartment and use their skin for a bath mat type.

Look, I know normal people on eHarmony – but the site is so marriage driven and labor intensive that it creeps me out. Before you get matched with anyone you have to fill out an endless questionnaire and answer countless inane questions about what you value and who you zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz whoops, I just fell asleep. The point is – people on there aren’t fucking around. For some that means they’d love to get married in the next six months, for others it means they want to put your head in their freezer. If either appeals to you, then by all means head on over…

Your OKCupid archetype. They should just call it OKCera.

OKCupid: Do you kinda want to date and kinda have a distraction from your temp job at a graphic design house? Then OKCupid will be a-OK with you. I know several people who’ve tried the site, and they all say the exact same thing: “I was on there for a few weeks and no one ever wrote to me.” That’s what happens when you market something to young urban hipsters who are far too ironic for an enterprise as earnestly square as computer dating, or you know…”love.” But if the thrift store PBR drinker who may or may not have showered today and may or may not have sheets on his bed is your type, then OKCupid is the place to find them. I’ve tried the site a couple of times myself and managed a date or two, but also had an inordinate amount of two email exchanges that fizzled out. I would say that could be my fault, but, well, I’m terribly charming. The site for getting laid. I of course would never do something as crass and callous as arrange an Internet dare for the sole purpose of having the sex, but if I did, Nerve would be the place I’d start. Actually, Nerve is their abbreviated name, the full one is “you’ve got a lot of NERVE thinking we’re going to go on a date and then not have sex in the bathroom because there’s only so much time in the day. Why aren’t we having sex already?!” You can see why they went with the shorter name. Kinda wordy.

Classic Nerve profile question: “In my bedroom, you’ll find…” Risque!

Cupidtino: A dating website for Mac lovers. Yes, as in the computer. No, I am not making that up.


Singles420: A dating website for pot smokers. No, I also am not making that up. I wonder how much crossover there is between Cupidtino and Singles 420 users? I’m guessing a fair amount.

Lavalife: The gold standard of pay-as-you-go dating sites. On Lavalife, every email and instant message costs you credits, which you buy in bulk at your leisure. It’s a good site with plenty of normal (looking AND acting!) people, and I recommend it. The only problem is the pay system. By charging you every time you communicate with someone, Lavalife subtly discourages activity on the site. You look at someone and think, “she seems cool, but is she really worth a whole credit? I don’t know…”, when really the site should be doing everything they can to get members to talk and make the site more happenin’. (The apostrophe denotes hipness.) I don’t know, maybe it doesn’t discourage anyone else and I’m just cheap. Did I mention that I’m single?

A girl I met on Plenty of Fish last week.

Plenty of Fish: It’s free! And because of that they have over 16 million unique visitors a month. They also have an interface that looks a lot like ColecoVision from 25 years ago.

The sheer numbers on Plenty of Fish are impressive, so there must be an abundance of quality folks there – it’s just that the whole thing kinda looks like crap. Their profile questions are ridiculously simplistic (“do you do drugs?” “do you have a car?”), and result in a lot of bland, uninformative answers. The site has such an air of, well… sadness that I doubt even Brad Pitt could make a positive impression. Especially if you’ve seen Cool World. BOOM – pointless Brad Pitt dig. Moving on… Are you white and a little bit boring? Are you pursuing a degree in social work or living near your parents on Staten Island? Then I think you’re probably already on Match, whether you know it or not.

The Winklevii would be make great Match members.

Obviously Match is my preferred destination, even though all I’ve really gotten out of my experience with it is one under-read blog that is littered with typos. BUT – their pay system makes sense. Sign up for a month, three months, or six months and send as many emails, IMs , and stupid winky things as you like. It’s the most popular dating website, which means 20 million unique visits per month – only about 1 million of which are me. They send you matches, recommend five people per day, and regularly remind you that you’re a doofus if you’re not writing someone immediately. All good things.

The only drawback to Match is the dull whitey factor. For as many people as they claim to have signed up, a lot of them seem pretty similar. Very straight-laced, very middle of the road. There’s not a lot of outside the box going on on Match. In fact, they’re inside the box with the lid tightly closed and the lights turned off to save on electricity. But that just makes it easier for dynamic types like you and me to stand out even easier. Right? Right.

Now how big is your head? I wanna make sure it will fit in my freezer…

Posted in Advice | 4 Comments

Let’s Play…Spot the Internet Date!

"Sure...I like tables. do you feel about tables?"

Maybe you’re out at a bar with friends, or perhaps on a tedious date yourself. You look around the bar and there’s something about the couple by the door that grabs your attention. They’re so…rigid. They’re both smiling constantly for no apparent reason, and oh my god are they drinking fast! What is wrong with them?! OH WAIT – they’re on an Internet date.

One of my favorite games is Spot the Internet Date, and it can be played in any bar, restaurant, or public bathroom across the country. All you have to do is look for two people sitting next to each other, then try to decipher if they met on the computer. Everything gets taken into account: body language, outfits, beverage of choice, conversation style, the whole dealio. And lest you think your bar may not have any Internet dates present, listen to this little stat: at any given time there are three Internet dates going on in every bar, restaurant, and coffee shop in the continental United States. Impressive, right? Sure, I totally made it up – but imagine if it were true??!!

So what do you want to look for when playing Spot the Internet Date? Here’s some of the tip offs I check for:

Wait a second, you're on an Internet date, aren't you?

1. Wide Disparity In Dress and Attire

The great thing about Internet dates is that one of the people probably has no idea where they’re going. They were just given a name of a bar and a time to show. That will often lead to one person being dressed completely inappropriately, which is both a hilarious good time and an easy indicator that an Internet date is going down. For instance, last week I invited a lady to a casual neighborhood pub for a drink, she showed up in heels, large hoop earrings, and one of those sparkly shawl things that women like to wear. Entirely understandable mistake, but the whole night I was wishing I was another person in the bar so I could spot us and totally know we were on an Internet date.

Pardon me, are you Fred? I think we have a date tonight...

2. Hysterical Smiling

You’d think that when people are in an uncomfortable situation – which even the best Internet dates have a touch of – they would frown or look confused or seem generally unhappy. In fact, it’s just the opposite. People on Internet dates smile like lunatics, I don’t really know why. I think it’s the tension, combined with the desire to look like they’re having a good time in case they end up liking the goofball sitting across from them in an hour or two. You’ve never seen someone happier than when they’re on a date with a person they’ve never met listening to a “funny” story about high school or explaining why they liked cats and not dogs in their profile. Even I smile too much, but in my case it’s because of the booze.

Speaking of which…

3. Wine and Beer Only

In the countless dates I’ve been on, my companion has ordered a mixed drink maybe ten times, maximum. Enjoy a beer or wine and you’re a normal, sophisticated person who’s having a leisurely drink with a new chum. Order a gin and tonic and you’re an out of control alchie who rides the freight trains at night and kills hobos in their sleep. It’s of course a preposterous prejudice, but it’s a prejudice nonetheless. If the pair in front of you is drinking rum and cokes then chances are they met like normal humans.

Oh you'll be sorry alright.

4. Half-Finished Board Game In Front of Them

Common mistake: “Hey, this bar has fun board games like Parchessi and Scrabble, and I want this evening to be fun! Maybe it’ll be hard to make conversation at first, so let’s grab one of these wacky games and have a guaranteed good time!” You bring the game over, start talking because you’ve been emailing for a week and have a genuine curiosity about your date, and then have the specter of this stupid board game hanging over you all night. “Oh wait, am I supposed to draw a card now? What were we talking about, I forget? Does it count if the dice go off the board?” Uch. It’s all too horrible to think about. An unfinished board game has eHarmony written all over it. If you’re out with friends playing games, you play the damn game. Out on a date you sort-of-play-and-sort-of-talk, then try to let your partner win as if throwing a game of Boogle is a romantic act of chivalry. Nonsense.

(Wow, I got really worked up about that one, huh?)

5. Body Language

When all else fails, just look at how the couple is sitting. If one person is leaning in – intrigued, attentive, involved – while the other is aloof and non-committal, you may have an Internet date on your hands. They do usually end with one person into it and the other uninspired. Of course, you could also be looking at a ten-year relationship… so scratch that one.

What? I'm totally relaxed.

No matter their size, shape, or level of inebriation, everyone carries themselves the same on an Internet date. Forced relaxation, deliberate nonchalance, restricted comfort – all these terms would apply. You’re trying very hard to seem comfortable and in your own skin, despite the fact that you’re talking to a complete stranger who you may end up, in the very near future, french kissing. If you want to spot these people, just look for a lot of tension in their body that they’re desperately trying to mask by slouching or twirling their hair. Like they just sat on a thumb tack and are trying to play it cool. Or they don’t have a care in the world unless you clap loudly in their ear, in which case they’ll yelp and sprint out of the room. Think…Frankenstein on a handful of sleeping pills. Or R2D2 after he smoked some really good pot. You see that and you can bet the house – that’s a meeting born on the world wide web.

But hey, the list is far from complete. You tell me, what’s the best way to spot an Internet date?

Posted in Internet Dating is Weird | 8 Comments

The Girl Who Lived In a Shack

My shrink.

I’ve met a lot of great women through, I really have. I would say at least 90% of the ladies I’ve been out with have been sweet, attractive, and utterly likable people. My problem is, it keeps being the other 10% that I ask out for a second date. Why? No idea, you better ask my shrink. Piece of advice though, she charges by the word and has, let’s say, a liberal perspective on the merits of falling asleep while someone else is talking.

The first woman I had a long-term relationship with that I met on Match was definitely one of the good 90%. She was very attractive, wore glasses (official It’s Not A Match quirky turn on), had a great sense of humor, and was generally irresistible. She also lived six blocks from me and for some reason enjoyed the pleasure of my company, so things were off to a promising start.

There’s always a thing that, after you break up with someone, you look back and realize “oh, I’m an idiot.” Something that, at the time, you justify and explain away and decide not to worry about, mostly because this person is willing to let you see them without their clothes on and allowances must be made for such behavior. But then, after you separate, you slap your hand to your head and wonder how you couldn’t have seen it coming. In the case of 90% Nanette, it was this statement: “Oh, I don’t call back.”

Her ideal telephone

We had just returned from spending Christmas with our families, and she had been distant. I would call her, she wouldn’t call me back, then I’d wait for a few days and call her again. Maybe I’d get her, maybe I wouldn’t. But the whole time she sounded pissed, which was confusing, but such is the life of one who tries to date women. When we returned to New York she yelled at me for not calling her enough over the break. I pointed out that in fact I called her plenty and it was she that didn’t call me. Her response: “Oh, I don’t call back.” She just doesn’t. Never has. How I had dated her for several months without noticing this I don’t know, but she explained that it’s not the woman’s job to call a man back. Men are just to call her until she eventually picks up. Because she’s a princess living in a castle and the entire world is a fairy tale and her hair is made of gold and unicorn eyelashes. I told her plainly that that was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard. Apparently that was also something she didn’t do – get told that she was an idiot – because she didn’t care for that one bit. This was when I should have known that I wasn’t dealing with a 90% Nanette, but actually one of the crappy 10% Tinas. A woman with an opinion about gender roles and the telephone that predate the actual invention of the telephone wasn’t gonna work for me. But we talked it out, I looked past the obvious (mostly because of that whole potential for clothes being off thing), and we moved on. Mistake.

A few months later, entirely out of the blue, 10% Tina sent me an email saying we were through. No real reason was given, because after all she was a 10% Tina. The only thing she said was that she wasn’t good at discussing such things in person so we wouldn’t be doing that. No talking, face to face or otherwise, would be going on. What can I say, she liked restrictions on communication, generally. At the time, I was young and delicate and it hit me pretty hard. I tried to talk to her, but she refused. It was all very confusing and awful and I felt bad for a few months. Yeah, I said it. Months. I was listening to a lot of Nick Drake and Elliott Smith in those days and oh how the cigarettes were smoked. The cherry on the cake of the relationship happened one day when I saw her on the street in our neighborhood and she pretended not to see me and walked right by. That one hurt for sure. She was downgraded to a 5% Phyllis after that. But then, maybe a year later, it all changed.

My replacement

I ran into her roommate in a bar and after pretending to care about catching up, I asked her the big question: so…what’s up with 5% Phyllis? That was when she uttered the one sentence that fixed everything, that turned this into one of the great dating experiences of my life. The roommate said…AHEM… “after she broke up with you she moved in with a guy who lived in a shack.” How do you know you’ve won a breakup? When within 90 days your ex is without running water or indoor plumbing. When her mailing address becomes “Next To The Big Oak Tree With The Knot In It.” When she has to throw away her electric toothbrush because it draws too much on the generator. AWESOME.

The way the story goes, she broke up with me and for a while dated a guy who was married. But who hasn’t really? Then she met this fine gentlemen who entirely swept her off her feet, which was wonderful until he announced that he was morally opposed to modern conveniences of city living, so had built himself a shack. AND SHE LIVED IN IT WITH HIM. I could never figure out where this shack was located exactly, but when you get a gem like this you don’t go looking too hard for fault lines. The point is, I was upset at her choosing against me when a few months later she would also choose against a toilet and working faucets. Luckily, she probably didn’t run into the problem of not calling people back again, as it’s hard to place a call when your phone is plugged into a tree stump. She was nuts and I was scott free! All because of one beautiful sentence…

“After she broke up with you she moved in with a guy who lived in a shack.” I’m considering it as a tattoo.

Posted in Horror Stories | 2 Comments

Inside The Brain of a Guy with Shirtless Pics…

There are men who post shirtless pictures on their Internet dating profiles. They are assholes. These are their stories…

Primary picture, obviously...

I just started Internet dating man, feeling pretty good about it. Pretttty, prettty good. I’m gonna be knee-deep in bitches so fast. Just hooking up, and getting down, and doing it NON-STOP. Fuck the girls at the bars. They’re so stuck up. Oh, now you’re not into it just cause I hooked up with your sister, Sharon? Screw you. I’m going on the Internet! Find me some smart chicks. Or at least who are cool about bjs in cars and shit…

…OK. Setting up the profile! Obviously I’m gonna post pictures of me in my Ed Hardy shirts. That’s a given. But how do I get the word out about my washboard abs and sweetass shaved pecs? I could try to drop the hint in my description…”love working out and removing the hair from my body”…but that might be too subtle. I’m always too fucking subtle! I got it! I’m gonna post shirtless pics! Chicks will go crazy for that shit. If there’s one thing I know about girls, it’s that they love checking out half-naked men they’ve never met and are evaluating as possible relationship material. Suck it, Sharon! The only problem is, which picture should I use…

….This profile shit is hard. Desired age range? Why won’t let me to do 18-18.5? Fucking computers. How about 18-25, but no fatties?…

My hero. When you gonna make more music, Marky?!

…Aight, went through both the Shirtless (Candid) and Shirtless (Posed) folders on my computer and none of those shits will work. Reminder to self: create third folder – Shirtless (While Issuing a Thumbs Up). Gotta stay organizized! My abs are so much more bitching than they were six months ago, I’m gonna need to do a special shoot for my profile. Don’t want to sell these beauties short. Who’s gonna take these pictures? When the fuck does Mom get home?!…

…Favorite activities? Come on, dude. “Going to the beach, working on my ride, hitting yoga class (abs and fine ladies LOL!), putting stuff in girls’ drinks, watching Jersey Shore, working on audition tape for Jersey Shore.” Computer should know that about me already…

…Mom refused to take my shirtless picture. You want me to meet a “nice girl and settle down”, but you won’t take a picture of me with my shirt off while I’m giving a thumbs up or maybe even a Shocker? How is that not sending mixed messages?! Now what the fuck am I going to do????…

…It’s harder to take a casual shirtless picture of myself in the bathroom mirror than I thought. Obviously, I’ve done it tons of times before – but not with this much riding on it! I’ve got to meet a girl, and it’s not gonna be fucking skanky Sharon. I need to set up some situations I can use for inspiration. Like, “oh man I just spilled a bunch of Red Bull on my favorite Ed Hardy shirt so now I got to dry off in the bathroom and then BAM someone runs in and takes a picture! Where did you come from photographer? I need my privacy, even if I do have rockin abs and an impressively small amount of body hair!” Or maybe “I’m taking a picture of myself in the mirror for my new passport photo, and then what the fuck, my shirt just disintegrated!” That’ll work. I gotta get METHOD on this shit! Marlon Brando!!…

…I think my shit is broken. Picture’s been up two hours and I have no emails. The only thing I can think of is to add more shirtless pics. WAIT! Bottomless pics! MOM!!!!…

Posted in Internet Dating is Weird | 7 Comments

Winks Are For Wusses

Fuck you.

Last week, I got this email from a reader.

Dear B,

I would like to get your expert opinion, as my girlfriends may not be the best advice for this. If I find a guy who I think is just swell….do I wink or send an email?

I’m new at all this, and I’m also kind of old fashioned in that I appreciate being pursued, so I feel kind of awkward emailing a guy. But I’ve noticed that the guys I do wink at don’t even look at my profile to check me out. And I’m a cute girl! Do guys just not like winks?

Thanks so much
– J

Thanks for the email, J. No, it’s not that guys don’t like winks, it’s that nobody likes winks. Every site has a wink equivalent – either it’s a wink, or a smiley face, or a star, or on the sites for the older ladies, a picture of Ernest Borgnine. It’s a one-click expression of interest: you see someone you like, you send them a wink, and immediately they know you’re interested. Sort of interested, anyway. Basically, winks say “I like you. Not take-two-minutes-to-string-some-words-together-and-write-you-a-sentence like you, but like you nonetheless. I will do as little work as humanly possible to express this like, then move on to the next person. Hope to hear from you!” Yes, they are efficient, but efficient is not the biggest of turn-ons.

Is this the sort of company you want to keep?

When you wink or smile, you’re putting all the work in the recipient’s hands. It’s not really a wink, it’s more of a quick message that reads “How about you write the introductory email for me?” And hey, I get the appeal. It’s easier not to craft an irresistible and hilarious first email (even though I’ve told you exactly how to do it!). But the point of Internet dating is to meet as many people as possible, and do you think you’re more likely to meet someone if you make their life easy by sending them a quick message that they can respond to in the flow of conversation, or by sending them a picture of a facial expression?

Now let’s stop and think a minute about winkers. In real life, winking is totally unacceptable. If you were at the end of the bar and a stranger leaned in, caught your eye, then winked at you – you’d call the cops. Normal people don’t wink. Cowboys do, and people in old movies, and terrible terrible politicians. A head nod, fine. A smile, acceptable. But a wink? A wink is what a guy does before he shows what’s hiding inside his raincoat. Thanks, but no thanks.

Look, I have gotten winks before and responded with messages, and admit that once or twice – in my darkest hour of need – I too may have even sent or wink or two. But both cases were rare and I don’t recommend it. J, your justification of being old-fashioned and preferring a man to contact you makes complete sense. I never thought about it that way, and if you want to stick to your guns I don’t blame you one bit. I guess you just have to decide what’s more important – the old-fashioned charm, or getting a lot of responses? Because hey, I love it when people contact me first too – but when I get tired of not getting any emails I revise my preferences pretty darn quick. Plus, we’re dating on the Internet, we passed old-fashioned charm a loooong way back.

If you have a question for an idiot who’s been out on an embarrassing number of dates, email me here.

Posted in Advice | 15 Comments

The Girl Who Couldn’t Eat

Hi, I'm Ted. I'm looking for someone who's as comfortable at home on the couch as they are out dancing! Also, someone into being murdered.

Everyone researches their date. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. If a real email or last name happens to get dropped in conversation, then yeah, you’ll jump over to Facebook and check the person out. Maybe to see a few more pictures, or find out if you have any friends in common, or make sure they have friends at all. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe you’ll even do a Google search, though I don’t know what a person’s Linked In profile and an article they wrote for their college paper about the delays in renovating the new science wing will really teach you. But whatever you do, don’t tell the person what you found out in your research of them. Because that’s more than a little, well, Ted Bundy-ish. How do I know? Well…

For you who have been reading my riveting prose for weeks now, it will not surprise you to learn that I am a writer. “But what about the typos?” you say. “But what about my fist in your face?” I reply, and it’s clear to you that I mean business. As a writer, you can Google me and probably find more stuff than you would for the average person. But when one young lady, let’s call her Shawna, announced on the phone before meeting me that not only had she Googled me, but found an interview that I forgot even existed, I was perturbed. On the one hand, I was charmed that she was so interested in me (my shrink would have a field day with that one), on the other, I wondered how many pages deep she must have gone in her Google search to find this interview. Turns out…nine. I checked myself and it took NINE pages to get to a seven-year-old interview I did on a friend’s podcast that itself lasted only three episodes and no one ever listened to. That means she waded through pages and pages of things that weren’t even close to being about me just to find this terribly pointless waste of ten minutes. For someone she’d never met before. And then for some reason, told me all about it. And somehow I ended up charmed? I don’t know. Like I said, I have a shrink, we’re working through it.

There's something about him in here somewhere, I can feel it!

So I go out with Shawna the night after the big Google admission, and things go pretty well for a time. The banter is lively, she’s actually quite attractive, and seems to be fairly rich – which is good news for Daddy Nobucks over here. She’s a succesful lawyer, why was I so worried about a little Googling – we’ve all Googled, right? Who hasn’t Googled? And then she got up to order food. That’s when the trouble started.

Shawna goes up to the counter at this cute little coffee shop and orders a sandwich, or something equally simple. I realize I have to head out to a birthday party in about an hour, and tell her when she returns. Her face turns almost immediately to disdain. “What?! An hour from NOW?!” she half yells. Honestly not knowing when else it would be an hour from, I nod tentatively. “Well that is outrageous!” she now fully yells. We’ve already been there, mind you, for over an hour and twenty minutes. Ending it an hour from then would put it safely in the two-hour category, which I insist is plenty for a first Internet date. One hour if they’re bad, two hours if they’re good, three hours if, as Vince Vaughn likes to say, you’re gonna make some bad decisions.

“I’m sorry,” I say, even though no one was buying that shit. “I thought two hours would be enough time. How long do your first Match dates usually last?” You’re guessing in your mind what she’s going to say, aren’t you? You think she might say three hours, or she doesn’t have an expected time, or some other answer that is nowhere near as awesome as what she actually said which was…FIVE HOURS. She’s never had a first date of any kind that lasted under five hours. And she had planned this evening accordingly. We were going to have coffee and sandwiches, then go to a movie, then play some pool, then “see what happens.” Except actually she would be the only one who was seeing what happened, as I would have long since hung myself in the bathroom.

“Why didn’t you tell me before I ordered my food?!” she continues to yell with her ever-reddening face. My thought: why didn’t I tell you I would have to leave in an hour before you ordered a turkey sandwich? Because that would be ridiculous. Should I tell you about everything that I’m planning on doing in the next six hours on the off-chance that it conflicts with someone insane plan you’ve concocted? I’m probably gonna take a crap in a little while, wanna know about that? My actual words: “I guess I wasn’t thinking.” That, clearly, was insufficient. “Well, what am I supposed to do, just wolf down my sandwich?!”

The last time anyone tried to eat a sandwich in under an hour.

I stopped talking at that point, because really, what was the point? Shawna shot up from the table to ask the people at the counter to cancel the sandwich that she couldn’t possibly eat in the next 60 minutes. She came back and sat down and pretended to compose herself for a few minutes then announced, not unexpectedly, that “my time is clearly about to be up, so I think I should just leave now.” Then we had the most awkward walk to the subway in the history of awkward walks to the subway, and I bid her adieu.

The lesson I take from this? When someone tells you they’re crazy, either explicitly or by admitting they Googled you to a ridiculous extent before you even went out, then you should believe them and cancel the date. Learn this lesson, loyal reader. One day I may actually learn it myself. That’s what my shrink says, anyway.

Posted in Horror Stories | 3 Comments