Your Awful Story Olympics, Volume 1

My site was up for exactly one day before I got my first email from a reader who wanted to share their online dating disaster. It’s started a sort of competition – who can out-horror who, and the emails have kept coming. What I love is that everyone is so proud of the awfulness they’ve endured, wearing it as a badge of courage, insisting that they are the worst treated of all. It’s become the Olympics of horrendous dating, and so today, as much as I would love to be a participant, will serve as your judge. Otherwise you guys wouldn’t have a chance. Here are this week’s medal winners…

The Bronze:

Hey Dude – love the site. Just wanted you to know, your pee story has nothing on me. I went out with a girl who threw up three times. The last one was when I was giving her [oral sex]. It was nasty bro, but she was hot! -T. Wes (Weymouth, MA)

You’ve really earned this one, T. Wes. Obviously, you’ve gotta drink a lot in one evening to get all the way to three pukes – and that is award-worthy on its own. But T. Wes, what I love most is that your date vomited twice and still you said, “You know what I wanna do is give her some oral sex!” That’s impressive, buddy. What would she have had to do to get you to turn that down, not thrown up? Have you considered that vomit might be your own personal aphrodisiac?  If so, may I encourage you to date the three-foot by three-foot area of carpet next to my college freshman year roommate’s bed? That shit will drive you crazy!
The Silver

Oh my god, I just read your post about not going to dinner on a first date, and I wish I had read it a few months ago!!! I had drinks with a guy, and he proceeded to get totally shitfaced. I had a few too many myself and was having a good time, so when he asked if we should get some dinner to sober up, I said ok. Plus, free dinner right, so whatever. Except at our sober up meal at a PRETTY nice restaurant, he just kept drinking. I think he had a whole bottle of wine minus the one glass I was still slowwwwly sipping! He’s slurring his words at this point, and I look up and he’s got some cheese or something on the side of his mouth. As nicely as I can, I say maybe he’d like to go to the bathroom and clean himself up a bit. He says ok, and gets up, and then just starts swaying. I knew there was no way he was making it to the bathroom. Then all of a sudden he collapses and knocks our entire dinner table over, plates and everything! Everyone in the place was staring at us. SO AWKWARD. He was lying on the floor with all our food all over him! I looked down at him and told him it was probably just better if he went home. Without saying anything, he got up and stumbled off. Amazing!

He called me the next day and apologized and was really sweet. I felt bad for him. But when he asked me if I’d give him another chance, I just said no. Wendy (NYC, NY)

Not much to say to that one, really. I appreciate that you did feel bad for him, but not so bad that you didn’t turn him down for a second date or refrain from sending his embarrassment into a website where he would surely be made fun of. But fuck it, his loss is our gain.

Now, onto the gold…

The Gold

First place this week is just for an email, but what an email it is.

Dear [Anonymous],

You’re the first person I’ve emailed on, I found your profile both funny and intriguing and I really like your crooked smile.

I’d be interested to hear more about you, if you write me back I will send you a fan fiction Garfield that I recently completed where Garfield accidentally eats a suicide lasagna that jon had baked for a friend of his with a terminal disease, how’s that for motivation?


Clearly I never wrote him back. I wonder if this is his response to all the women, or if I’m just really lucky. – Anonymous in Phoenix, Arizona.

Have some dignity, Jess. It's not gonna happen.

Wow. You gotta give him a bit of a break, though, Anon. I mean, it was his first Match email after all. Maybe he hadn’t learned yet that you’re not supposed to be vaguely insulting and then earth-shatteringly creepy the first time you email someone. It took me a few weeks before I picked that up.

Also, there is no less sexy phrase on the face of the earth than “fan fiction.” If Jessica Biel wanted me to join her for a gourmet dinner with only the finest of wines and gluten-free delectables, but said that first I had to read her Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan fiction graphic novel, I would politely decline. And then she would turn pushy and sexual, as women also do in my presence, but I would hold strong! Because I am a man of conviction! And, also, writing a fake piece in a style of a piece you really like just for the shits and giggles of it is, well, really fucking lame.

If you could find it in your heart, Anon, to respond to young William, I think it would mean a lot to him. He’s probably young and confused and just doesn’t know how to talk to a woman. Plus, I’d love to get my hands on that Garfield! Why would Jon make someone a poisoned lasagna?!

Have a disaster story you’d like to share? Email me here to be included in the next Awful Story Olympics…

Posted in Your Awful Stories | 1 Comment

Every Internet Dating Profile Ever

Not a great profile writer.

There’s really only one rule to follow when you’re creating a profile for a online dating: Be Different. OK…wait, no, there’s two rules. Be Different, and Avoid Hardcore Racial Slurs. Alright three rules. Just three. Be Different, Avoid Hardcore Racial Slurs, and Try To Abstain From The Phrase “Sweet Ass Titties.” I’ve learned that one the hard way.

Seriously though, being different is the only important thing. There are so many profiles on each site, and so many of them are earth-shatteringly boring – you need to make setting yourself apart the goal. Here’s a profile the other day that caught my eye…

“Secretive conservative sensory quiet mastered the art of listening without the words.”

That’s it. That’s the whole profile. Maybe she was crazy, or really super foreign, or just operating on a different plane than you and I – but either way, I remembered her. No way in hell I’m sending her an email, but two days later she’s still occupying some space in my mind – and that’s what we’re looking for. Jump out to your reader, wake them up, make them the forget the 10 ridiculously lame profiles they just skipped past to get to yours. The best way to do this? Avoid every lame ass Internet dating cliche out there. In case you’re new to the online romance game, I’ll do my best to collect these banalities for you here, in one easy-to-read locale. So here then is a summary of Every Internet Dating Profile Ever Written.

First, the obligatory picture from too far away to actually be useful…



Gosh, what do I say in these things? [Anything really, just try to avoid cliches.] LOL! [Too late.] I totally never thought I’d be Internet dating, but I know a bunch of people who’ve had good luck on here, so I figured, why not give it a shot? [You mean, other than price, time, unlimited potential for failure, and the requirement to write an appealing and attention grabbing profile? Other than that, yeah, why not enter into things flippantly?] Hey, if we hit off, we can just tell our friends we met in a bar! [Exclamation point!]

For the rest of this post, and a whole mess of other It’s Not a Match favorites, buy my new book Not a Match: My True Tales of Online Dating Disasters. 

Available for your ereader on Amazon and iTunes. It’s inexpensive, very funny, and only somewhat sad!

Posted in Advice | 13 Comments

Crafting the Perfect Email


When I joined a few years ago, it was for one girl: Shadoe987. Sweet sweet Shadoe987. So lovely, so innocent, so eccentric in her spelling choices. I had taken a half-hearted swing at Match a few years previous, so they had me on their “bother to the point of certain insanity” email list. They sent a plea with a silly headline like “Look at All You’re Missing Out On!”, then a simple little picture of Shadoe987 and a few sentences about her and, well, it got me hook, line, and also sinker. “Yes, look at what I am missing out on!”, I said to my cat as I happily entered my credit card number. There was just something about Shadoe987, she was so…attractive, so wholesome, so forgiving. The kind of girl who would absolutely not judge you for being duped by yet another promotional email from a company you had no interest in. So I signed up for Match, fired off a carefully crafted message to Shadoe and a few other incomparable young women and waited for the responses to come rolling in. And you know what happened? Jack shit.

I never heard back from Shadoe987. Who knows where she is now…maybe living in Paris with her playful yet reliable husband who’s taught her more about wine than she ever imagined. Or maybe she died in a horrible farming accident. One of the two. But I will always remember her fondly for the lesson she taught me: Internet dating is a numbers game. Because after I didn’t hear back from Shadoe987, I emailed fifteen or so other women with a far less carefully crafted message and you know what? Five of them wrote back. Five! That’s a lot of people. Sure, ten totally ignored me, and the subsequent dates resulting from those five ladies were awful BUT…I got five dates. In a half hour of work. And suddenly my mission was born: create the formula for the perfect introductory email and send it to as many women as possible.

Every person you write.

Look, if you wanna send every person you meet online a deliciously personal email that it took you twenty minutes to craft out of thin air – go for it. You’re a gentleman and a scholar. But you’re also an idiot. I’ll say it again: Internet dating is a numbers game. And they’re not small numbers, they’re really really big ones. It is more likely that the person you’re writing WILL NOT write you back, no matter how charming and eloquent you are. Believe me, Shadoe987 got every bit of my charm and eloquence and she didn’t even thank me before she was killed under that tractor. So in order to be an effective Internet dater, your first email should be something quick, delightful, and seemingly personal which then allows you to move on dot org. That something can be an easily forgotten two line message OR it can be the most genuine and well-intentioned form letter in the history of the written word.

Listen to what I’m going to tell you now – the recipient CAN NOT know that you are sending them a form letter. If they do, you’re done for. I’ve seen some mass messages that men have sent thinking they’re carefully disguised, and it’s enough to make you weep. Long paragraph that’s just about them? Form letter. Vague platitudes about how “pretty and cool” the lady seems? Form letter. Random jokes about how crazy the world of Internet dating is? Form letter. And last but not least: long, rambling love poem in broken English that gets uncomfortably sexual in the final stanza? Sadly, that was also a form letter. How do you avoid making your email look like a form letter? By not making it a form letter at all.

A form letter that’s not a form letter?! Brilliant!

A form letter is repeated word for word to each recipient. What I have instead is an equation, and it is perhaps my greatest Internet dating secret. The perfect introductory email has taken me years of trial and error to develop, and got so good that at one point my response rate was up to 50%. That’s right: 1 in 2, motherfuckers. It’s my best friend, and I know every step of it by heart. If I ever get sent to some awful prison in a Midnight Express-type situation, my introductory email is what I will recite in my head to keep myself sane. Some men put their children on their knee and tell them about the time they scored the game-winning touchdown in the big homecoming game, I will tell my son about the time I created the perfect email that let me meet only fantastic women. OK, a few fantastics and a lot of crazies. Now I pass on the formula to you, guard it with your lives.

Part 1: A Little About Them

This is where the magic happens. Read your future betrothed’s profile, find one thing about it you find funny or interesting, then write two sentences. One sentence is too little to make an impression, three sentences is desperate hand-wringing, two sentences is just right. This is real, this is genuine, this must be original for each person you write. See, not a form letter!

Part 2: A Little About You

If you’re a cad, you can copy and paste this section every time. I preferred to create from scratch in each email, but my goal for the portion was the same…

In as funny a way as possible, tell them a little about yourself, accentuating your most date-able characteristics. If you’re tall, work it in casually. If you do something heart warming and awe-inducing like teaching deaf kids, subtly drop that hammer. If you’ve got a great rack, just come out and say it, guys will probably forgive you. Sell yourself in three sentences MAX.

Part 3: Say Goodbye

That’s it. Say goodbye and sign your name. Plain and simple.

Seems so simple, so obvious, but it’s not. You’d be amazed at how many people’s first emails are a complete disaster. They write one line, then hit send. Or, even worse, they write six paragraphs, cry a little bit, then apologize, then cry again. Nothing more awkward than a tear-stained email. The perfect intro message is so basic: talk about what you like about them, what you think they’ll like about you, and get the fuck out.

Don’t mess with me.

Is it dirty pool to use a formula on someone I genuinely want to go out on a date with? Yes, a bit. But all I’m really doing is simplifying the task for myself and you, should you chose to follow. I never lie and my goal is always completely genuine: find a good girl. But I’ll warn you, these powers must be used for good and not evil. Should you use my formula to go out with as many people as possible to just feed your ego or get laid, then it won’t work. You’ll cut corners in paragraph one, your reader will know, and you’ll be done. And the world will hate you and a horn will grow out of your head. But use this it to increase your chances of finding the person that’s right for you, and the Gods of love and Internet will smile down upon you.

Unless she happens to be named Shadoe987. If so, let me spoil the surprise – she ain’t writing back.

Good advice, right? For more, buy my new book Not a Match: My True Tales of Online Dating Disasters. 

Available for your ereader on Amazon and iTunes. It’s cheap, and awesome! Please help support the site!

Posted in Advice | 36 Comments

It’s Not a Match will return…

After the New Year. Check back next week for a story about my Internet dating past coming back to bite me…on national television. I told you I was an idiot…

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The Sex Crier

Perhaps from reading this site you’ve gotten the impression that Internet dating is just one disastrously awkward first date after another. Not true! Sometimes there’s a disastrously awkward second, third, and fourth date as well. And, if you’re really lucky, on rare occasion you may achieve a full-fledged disastrously awkward long-term relationship! But that’s only if you reallllllly apply yourself. Thankfully, on one or two occasions, I have been so determined…

I met the Sex Crier on a rare two-date evening. It’s something I try to avoid, but if scheduling becomes difficult or I’m particularly eager to meet someone and feel like I can’t wait another day (I know, I’m unimaginably romantic), I will plan two dates on the same night. It’s not a great idea, but if you stick to the Two Drink Rule it can be done. Just avoid telling the same stories or jokes to both of your dates, because no matter how big a cad you are, somewhere deep inside your soul will break. But Sex Crier was the second date on a two-date evening, and within minutes she blew the first woman entirely out of memory.

I still remember what she was wearing and even what she smelled like, in as unserial-killer a way as possible. I had to talk her into the date, as she was reluctant to date a smoker and an actor, and I was guilty of both. She was an actress too, you see, and she felt the two didn’t mix. Boy was she wrong. Us being actors had nothing to do with us not getting along. It was the more the constant 100% insanity that did it.

Don’t believe it was insane? Read my new book Not a Match: My True Tales of Online Dating Disasters. I promise, it won’t disappoint. Includes all of the most popular It’s Not a Match stories ever.

Available for your ereader on Amazon and iTunes. Only $2.99. Help support the site/feed my cat!

Posted in Horror Stories | 7 Comments

Advice From The Idiot: Should I Pay For a Dating Site?

Nothing says "I'm a cheap bastard" like OKCupid.

Common Mistake: you’re not sure if Internet dating is for you, but you wanna give it a shot. Somehow, it seems, the current routine of going to bars and talking only to your friends has failed to yield romantic results. So you’ll dip your toe in the seedy waters of Internet dating – but you sure as hell aren’t gonna pay for the experience. I mean come on, you’re not desperate. (Spoiler alert: Yes you are.) So you sign up for one of those free sites, put up a profile, a few pics, and wait for the emails to coming rollllling in. And then…nothing. A couple of weeks go by and all you get is a few notes from weirdos, maybe a promising conversation or two that end without explanation, and then a whole lot of jack squat. Oh well, you gave it a shot, I guess Internet dating just wasn’t for you. Good thing you didn’t blow any money on one of those fancy pay sites, right?

No. Not even close to right. In fact, totally wrong.

I don't understand why more people aren't messaging me.

I’ll try to be diplomatic about this…free dating sites are for hobos, drifters, and vagrants. OK, hobos, drifters, and vagrants who are interested in meeting someone special. And have access to email. Freebie services like OK Cupid and Plenty of Fish sound nice because they’re low commitment – but think about it, do you really want to go on a date with someone who can’t even handle a month long commitment to a website? You want to be seeing people who are serious about trying to meet someone, not ones who think “oh well, worst case scenario I’m not out any money!” If someone’s throwing down $20 to be there, chances are they’re gonna put in legitimate effort and actually care about the outcome. If they’re there for free it’s entirely possible they’re just screwing around. Look, you admitted above that your point of view was “I’m not sure if Internet dating is for me, but I guess I’ll give it a shot.” (OK, I admitted it for you, but come on, I was totally right.) Do you honestly want the job of trying to attract, interest, and ultimately date people with a similar ambivalence? Then go for it. OK Cupid is your wonderland. But if you’d rather go for someone who says “I wanna find the best person for me, and I don’t care if that takes a little more time or money”, then go with a service with a fee, like Match or

Internet dating requires a bit of work…searching through profiles, crafting emails, going out on a lot of first dates. If you’re not willing to pay a little to be on a well organized, good looking website, then chances are you’re not going to be willing to do that work – and anyone emailing you is wasting their time. But, on the other hand, if you’ve paid a membership fee you’re gonna be more likely to chat it up because, in the back of your mind you’re probably thinking “Well Christ, I paid $35 to be on this stupid thing, I might as well respond…”. And that is all we’re looking for.

This guy is always a hit with the babes.

So, always remember, Internet dating is like toilet paper and trash bags – if you don’t pay a little extra you’re gonna end up with a real mess on your hands. (Already I regret writing that sentence. And yet…it’s not deleted.) You gotta spend money to make money. Now, if you want to know which pay website is the right one for you…well you’ll just have to check back another time for that.

Posted in Advice | 7 Comments

Notes From The Underground: The Girl Who Peed Her Pants

The ideal number of drinks on a first Internet date is two. Got that? Just TWO, you boozehounds. One drink is not enough, it just doesn’t give you enough time to get to know the person and see if you might be a match. And more than two, well that can be pretty dangerous.

It is tempting, for sure, when a date is going well to order that third and fourth, spend more time with this new exciting person, see where the night leads. But HOLY CRAP can that be a bad idea. First of all, it can get really expensive, and on the first date with a lady you’re trying to impress, you know you’re picking up the whole tab, Daddy Warbucks. Gallantly and with cool nonchalance, of course. Secondly, no matter how good the chemistry seems, you don’t really know if the other person is feeling the same vibe. Things can seem delightful, but until she shows up for a second date you really have no idea where you stand. Believe me, I’ve had many first dates that seemed a lock for a second – tons of laughter, flirty glances, kiss goodnight – then when I call and ask her out again she disappears. Happens alllll the time. But then again, I do front load a lot of my dates with hardcore racial humor, so maybe that’s part of the problem. But the point is, there’s no sense spending a lot of time and money on a first date with someone that you very possibly will never see again. I know it sounds callous, but if you’re Internet dating regularly, time and money do become a factor. Also, the other problem with having more than two drinks is that you can get really truly humiliatingly drunk.

The best lesson on this topic came not from me, but a fellow Internet dater. I usually prefer my own stories, but we’ll make exceptions on the site for the truly excellent disasters – and believe me, this one qualifies. And thus we have our first Note From The Underground

Her profile picture should've been the first tip off...

A little over a year ago I went out with a charming girl I met, of course, on the computer. She was tall and striking, with long, curly black hair. And best of all, her sense of humor was top-notch, leading to some excellent email banter. It’s best to keep your expectations in check when meeting someone online, because you have no idea how their personality or your connection will translate in person. But her I let myself get a little excited about. When we met for drinks, the optimism seemed warranted. We laughed and kidded our way through two drinks, and when the waitress appeared I ignored protocol and ordered us another round. DON’T ignore protocol; that’s why it’s called protocol.

When the third drinks arrived, something strange started to happen. She was relaxed and playful before, but now she seemed really relaxed and playful. Like…Mel-Gibson-pulled over-at-a-traffic-stop relaxed and playful. She must have been drinking before, because she went around the bend too fast for just the third drink. Of course, I had had a few drinks myself, so it took me a little bit to recognize that it wasn’t really that the date started to go incredibly well, it was just that she started to get incredibly hammered. There was swaying in the chair, some leisurely approaches to diction, and lots of laughter. Too much even for someone as deeply hilarious as myself. But hey, no harm no foul, we all have a few too many on occasion, so I flagged down the waitress to ask for the check. Unfortunately though, before I could say “bill”, Lady Tequila said “two more drinks, and a couple shots.” Which is impressive really, because that’s a lot more words. The drinks came, I suggested perhaps we shouldn’t drink them, and she looked at me the way a drunk person looks at someone who suggests such a thing. She knocks back her shot, downs mine as well, and takes a slug from her lots-of-vodka-little-bit-of-tonic. Remember that banter I was charmed by before? That had hit the road. In its place was very little talking and a fair amount of singing along to the ambient bar music. Surprise surprise, the lovely girl with the curly black hair and I were not a match.

I paid the tab (less gallantly and with more chalance than usual) and brought my little Betty Ford outside for a cab. Problem is, she either can’t…or won’t…tell me where she lives.

Me: So where should I tell the cab to bring you?

Betty Ford: I love music. Don’t you love music?

Me: Sure, music’s great. So what’s your address?

Betty Ford: You put the lime in the coconut you drink em both up…I said doctor!!

Me: Is that in the Bronx?

…And then she stopped talking altogether. People walking by us in the street looked at me with disgust, like I had forced these drinks down her throat. I tried to express “Honestly, I have a 2 drink protocol that I almost always follow to avoid just these kinds of situations” with my awkward smile, but I don’t think they were buying it. Eventually I had no choice but to hail a cab and take her back to my place. What else could I do?! At least after all that trouble I was gonna score some action… you come here often?

KIDDING. Kidding. I would never do that. And believe me, at this point I – like any other reasonable person on the face of the earth – was not interested. I got her into my apartment, sat her down on the couch and brought her a glass of water. Which of course she didn’t drink. Why do the drunks never drink the glass of water? It’s exasperating. If you put a cup of gasoline in front of them they’d probably chug it down, but somehow deep inside of them they know, “avoid the water. Nothing good will come of it.” I dressed up the couch real nice for Betty, giving her plenty of sheets and blankets, and left her a t-shirt and sweatpants to sleep in. The last thing she said before I closed my bedroom door for the evening was, “I had really nice time tonight.” Or maybe it was, “I really like dogs in flight”. She was fairly hard to understand at that point.

The next morning I woke up and steeled myself for the awkward morning that lay ahead of me. She would be embarrassed, I would say it was OK, she wouldn’t really believe me – which would reasonable under the circumstances – and she would shuffle off to the subway. Imagine my relief then when I opened my door to find her nowhere in sight! She had woken up early and hit the road! It was like Christmas morning when I was ten years-old, except instead of a new Nintendo in my living room there was the absence of a viciously hungover almost-stranger. I was so delighted that when I walked into the living room I almost didn’t notice the smell. That smell where you know right away what it is but you don’t think it could possibly be that so you search for another explanation. There’s no way the sheets sitting in a bundle on the floor, and my clothes that I had given her to sleep in, and the suspicious looking dark patch on the couch, there’s no way that that’s…PEE?! Is it?! It couldn’t actually be pee, could it?

Well, sadly it could. And it was. Was it ever. Apparently at some point in the night Betty made the decision that she had gone so far down the road to humiliation and disregard for social decency that way take it all the way? She then unleashed an ocean of urine so vast that it soaked through a men’s XL t-shirt and sweatpants, two sheets, a thick blanket, and the first half-inch or so of a Jennifer’s Convertibles sofa cushion. A lot of pee, to be sure, but granted, six drinks, two shots, and a tiny sip of water will do that you.

I never heard from Betty Ford again, which is certainly for the best. I thought she might call and apologize, but really, how do say you’re sorry for peeing on someone’s stuff? And what do I say afterwards? “Don’t worry about it”? No, you should definitely worry about it. But hey, it’s kinda my fault too. That is the sort of thing that happens when you have more than two drinks.

…It’s so awesome that I almost wish it happened to me. Almost…

Posted in Advice, Notes From the Underground | 19 Comments

How Much Should I Lie in My Dating Profile?

Not me.

Periodically on this site we will offer advice, because I’ve found unfailingly that when people find out I’ve done a bit of Internet dating, they have things they want explained. Which is fine as long as they understand, as I say in the title, that I am an idiot. The fact that I’ve been on 100 Internet dates doesn’t mean I’m really good at it. If I were, I would’ve been on like 3 dates, met someone awesome, and deleted my charming and alluring dating profile. But that’s not what happened. I’ve been on 100 of these suckers because after each date at least one of us has left saying “well, no way hell I’m going out with that asshole again.” Asking me how to handle a date is kinda like asking a guy in jail how to get away with the perfect crime. If I had any idea, I wouldn’t be in this situation, now would I? But hey, you’ve got questions and I’ve got answers and clearly neither of us has anything better to do, so let’s get to it.

The first thing people always ask, after wondering if I can take my hand off their leg, is “how often do people lie in the world of Internet dating?” The answer: a lot. “BUT,” I then say dramatically, “how often do people lie in the world of traditional dating?” then they nod, getting my point, and being entirely blown away.

Look, people lie on the Internet. I’ve been out with people who lied about their age, appearance, accent, job, sense of humor, political affiliations – really everything imaginable. I even went out with a girl who lied about the level of her religious devotion. Cue story…

They said at 13 I was the best they’d ever seen.

Before the date she asked me a lot of questions about Judaism – was I Jewish, did I have a lot of friends who were Jewish, had I ever been to temple, had I seen Yentl etc etc. I told her I happened to grow up with many Jewish friends, and was jealous of any culture that found a reason to eat potato pancakes on a regular basis. However, I said, religion – regardless of the faith – was not a big thing for me, and if it was for her that we may not be a great match. She said “don’t worry about it, I was just wondering.” So we decided to meet.

Now, when someone says “don’t worry about it”, what you should do is worry about it. Worry about it a lot. But, like I said earlier, I’m an idiot. And I’m a motivated shopper. I want to find a great girl, so I’m willing to put up with a little complication. So I didn’t worry, took a chance, bought her a drink, and spent 90 minutes hearing about how hard it is to find a boyfriend when you’re in the process of becoming a female rabbi. Which she knew about firsthand from the time she’d spent trying to become a female rabbi. She then let me pay the bill, told me she could never date someone who wasn’t Jewish, and left in a huff. Why did she lie about not being that into religion? Who knows. Who cares. The point is: they all lie. And if I met her in a bar, she probably would’ve told the exact same lie at first too. Internet really has nothing to do with it.  Whether you meet them online or in line at the supermarket, they all lie. Even the rabbis.

So here is my advice on lying: do it. Within reason. Describe you on your best day, or – even better – what would your Mom say about you if she met a friend at the drug store? There’s your dating profile. (Unless your Mom is at the drug store to pick up a prescription for the weird rash you have on growing on your private parts. Then say something else.) Somehow people got the idea that anyone who…tidies up the truth a bit on their dating profile is dirty nasty liar. Horse feathers. The idea here is you’re trying to get dates. This is like a job resume, except instead of employment, you’re trying to get laid – so go ahead and rosy things up. Smoke everyday? Maybe change the description to “socially”. Losing your hair? Pick pictures that minimize it. Insecure about your job? Feel free to brush past that in the employment section of your page. Internet dating is essentially a sales job, and you wouldn’t focus on the bum muffler and shitty transmission if you were trying to sell your car, would you? And yes, shitty transmission is a metaphor for impotence. Well done.

I turn 27 in August.

But you can NOT say anything aggressively untrue. Don’t think that I’ve given you carte blanche to put “athletic and toned” down as your body type if you’ve never seen the inside of a gym. That’s not cool. And if that car we mentioned was made in 1981, you can’t say 1987 and hope they don’t notice. That’s bullshit. They always notice. And furthermore, when the buyer shows up and sees that the “car” has bald tires and is roomier in the trunk than they expected, you’ll be crossed off their list entirely. Not because you don’t look how they hoped, but because you were lame enough to lie about it.

In my experience, men lie about their height and women lie about their age, and everyone lies about their weight. So be prepared. If you’re in the danger zone on any of these categories, work on fixing what you can (go on diet, invent time travel) then present the rest as optimistically as possible. But no aggressive untruths, jerky. Also, daters tend to be hesitant about the divorced, smokers, the unemployed, and Republicans. So consider how you might rosy them up while still living generally near the truth. And if you’re a divorced, jobless, nicotine addicted Conservative, lock the doors and turn out the lights. It’s all over for you.

One last thing – always always always post real, up to date pictures. Do that and some soft selling on the words will be forgiven. But when in doubt, just tell the truth. Like David Mamet says, it’s the easiest thing to remember.

Now please, do the exact opposite of everything I said.

Posted in Advice | 5 Comments

The Internet: Where Crazy People Go to Date

These people didn't meet on the Internet.

I have been out on dates, friends, and they have come from the Internet. I’ve been on dates with doctors and nurses, students and teachers, athletes and academics. I’ve been out with black women, white women, short women, tall women, women who I’m not even sure were women at all. I have met long-term girlfriends on the Internet, and people who became friends I’ll keep for years. I’ve also met women who, if I saw them on the street, I would sprint – not run, mind you, but sprint – in the opposite direction. Why am I telling you this? To explain why I created this site.

A couple years and over a hundred dates ago, I decided to give Internet dating a try. (Yeah, that’s right, I’ve been on one hundred Internet dates. It’s kind of humiliating when I write it out like that. Is it too late to pretend this never happened?) I was hoping to find, quite honestly, a solid, long-term relationship. And I did, once or twice, but I encountered a whole lot of other nonsense along the way. And that is why we are gathered here today. Because if I went out on all those ridiculous dates just to find a girlfriend, well…good Lord was that a waste of time. But if I can pass the stories on to you so that you may learn, or at the very least laugh at my mistakes, then it’ll be worth it. OK, it won’t be even close to worth it, but I need something to tell myself before the crying and the fever sweats start.

So here’s a preview of the stories to come. My ghosts of dating past…

I'm so good at sex people often start crying.

The Sex Crier: I think we can all agree that sex can be, at times, an emotional experience. Especially when you’re doing it with someone as gifted in the ways of intimacy as myself. (Spoiler Alert: Not true.) But to start crying within the first 30 seconds of intercourse is, let’s say, a little off-putting. But hey, things happen, we’re complicated beings. So Sex Crier and I (her name should’ve been a tip-off) have a little conversation. While still having sex because, you see, she refuses to stop. To hear more about that hilarious good time, well, you’ll just need to stop by next week…

The Deaf Teacher: My very first Internet date, and perhaps my best. I read she taught deaf children for a living, and I swooned. So I asked her out and practiced concealing my sarcasm and general lack of good will. Then, twenty minutes into the date she confessed that “the thing about deaf kids is that they can’t hear you, like, at all.” Yep. Dreams do come true.

Girl With a Mustache: Not much to say on this one. I went out with a girl who had a mustache. Real thick one too. Went about as well as you’d expect. That’s probably not gonna make much of a posting, come to think of it.

This Date is On Fire: I heard this one from a date, and it’s so good I had to pass it along. A girl has dinner with a guy and she ends up on fire. Not metaphorically, or sexually or anything like that. Just “get the fire extinguisher and your roasting marshmallows because I am aflame, her on my Internet date.” Yes, that happened.

The Girl Who Lived in a Shack: You know Internet dating is a trying experience when you (me) consider it one of life’s greatest accomplishments that I (also me) was once told: “after your girlfriend broke up with you, she moved in with a guy who lived in a shack.”

Is it like you are hanging on the edge of a cliff? I thought it might be. Well you’ll just have to come back and read more next time. I’m only scratching the surface here, and GOOD NEWS LADIES, I’m still single. So who knows when the next disaster might occur? (Sadly, I know. The answer is…probably this weekend.) Why haven’t I given up? Because the crazy, the unpredictable, the highly flammable – they’re all part of the Internet dating experience. You take the good with the bad, and if the last was lousy then maybe the next will be outstanding. And I think meeting that one outstanding will make all the rest worth it. I just hope all the other ones don’t read this blog.

I have gone on terrible Internet dates, friends, so you don’t have to. Return later, and learn why It’s almost always Not a Match…

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments

The Beginning of the End: My First Internet Date

Everyone thinks about Internet dating, right? But you’re afraid you’ll only meet weirdos, or psychopaths, or people who lie about their physical appearance. And I, as a certified Internet Dating Expert, just want to tell the people with those fears…that they are absolutely right. Here’s the first time I learned that lesson…

Oh, also, I’m not certified. At all.

Here we go…

About three years ago, I walked into a bar and said hello to the girl of my dreams. Well, the real-life version of the girl of my dreams anyway. The computer one, the one I had gotten to know over two weeks of emails, was spectacular: gorgeous long golden hair, great smile, amazing figure, quirky sense of humor and a lover of Mets baseball and British comedy. In fact, I believe I have a picture of her around here somewhere…ah, yes, here it is…

Like that. She looked exactly like that. Doesn’t get any better, right? Well, actually, it doesn’t even get as good, because the girl who showed up seemed to be a totally different person. Real life girl’s hair was black and short, her lips were tight and angry, and her figure was like…hmmm…I don’t want to trash people’s appearance. This isn’t that kinda site and I’m no beauty myself, but for the mere sake of documenting history, let’s say…she looked like a brick in pants. Here, I did a quick little sketch to the best of my memory, have a look for yourself…

There she was. Now, I don’t know if she actually liked the New York Mets, but it certainly looked like she could’ve played for them at some point in the past few years. Catcher, probably. Maybe first base if she was deceptively agile. And she smelled a little like onion rings.

But all of that, honestly, was OK. Truly. So what if she fudged her pictures a bit? Once we got past the whole, awkward foundation-built-on-lies thing, she still looked just fine. And I am nothing if not a sophisticated and enlightened man of substance. I do not dwell on matters of physical appearance or personal hygiene (unless she’s a real bowzer), because I am mature. I’m looking for something more than skin deep. And what really made Miss Lucy the girl of my dreams was not just her looks, but also her disposition. She taught deaf children, you see, day in and day out. Had for years, and described it as the defining experience of her adulthood. This was a girl I had to know, right? Right. So despite all the surprises, all the clear instances of  Lucy not being what she had advertised, I was still intrigued. And, again, like my tattoo says, I’m not such a prize a myself. So I bided my time, then, after the first drink, I went for the heart…

Me: So how did you get into teaching deaf children? That must be so challenging, and just an amazing-

Miss Lucy: Oh, I didn’t want to really, but it costs less to get a degree in teaching the deaf than it does to teach normal kids, so I figured, “why not?”

Me (mulling over “normal” word choice): …Oh? Do they give out government grants or something?

Miss Lucy: Yeah, and now I know why. It sucks. The thing about deaf kids is that they can’t hear you, like, at all. It gets really frustrating. Sometimes I just kinda give up.

Me: That seems…wait, you give up?

Miss Lucy: Well, yelling doesn’t work because they’re deaf, you know? They don’t really prepare you for that in the classes. So sometimes it’s easier to just take a break for a few minutes and play some music. Hell, they don’t mind. It’s not like they can hear it.

Me (looking around to see if anyone else is getting this): Yeah, no that must be-

Miss Lucy: I just do it so I can have money for AC.

Me: AC?

Miss Lucy: Atlantic City. I kinda have a thing for blackjack. I go down every Friday and play through the weekend. When I save up enough I’m gonna quit teaching and become a professional blackjack player. Gambling is so much more fun than working with deaf kids. And you’re allowed to drink.

Me: Sure, I guess that makes-

Miss Lucy: In fact, we could go down to AC this weekend and play some cards if you’re up for it.

Me: Do you smell onion rings?

Then, of course, I proposed.

It’s good that this was my first Internet date, because honestly that’s a pretty good indication of what I could expect going forward. Every night has the potential to be horrifying, hilarious, thrilling, and completely preposterous all at once when you’re dating online, and the great thing is – you never have to see the person again. So yeah, I know you’re a little afraid, but keep this in mind when considering joining the universe of computer romance: no matter how badly it goes, at the end of the night you can say goodbye to the cretin for the rest of your life.  Could you look for a mate in person, going from to bar to bar and trying out your earth-shatteringly alluring pick-up game? I guess, but what’s the fun in that? Internet dating is something bigger. It’s like being part of a phenomenon – a terrifying and almost certain to fail phenomenon that very well might leave you with herpes. But a phenomenon nonetheless. And you know that no matter what happens, no matter how badly it goes, how silly you look when your jokes fail or you insult people with physical disabilities, that tomorrow night you get a fresh start. Tomorrow you can go out with someone new, someone who has no idea how ridiculous you looked the night before. And for a jackasses like us, that’s pretty valuable currency.

Plus, you do accumulate some pretty good stories…


Posted in Horror Stories | 11 Comments